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Agniveervayu enrolled under this Scheme will be paid an Agniveervayu package of ₹ 30,000/- per month with a fixed yearly increment. In addition, Risk and Hardship allowances (as applicable in IAF), Dress and Travel allowances will be paid.

  1. Terminal Benefits-Seva Nidhi Package. Agniveervayu will be given one-time Seva Nidhi package comprising their monthly contribution along with matching contribution by the Government on completion of their engagement period, as indicated below:-

    Year Customised Package (Monthly) In Hand (70%) Contribution to Agniveers Corpus Fund (30%) Contribution to Corpus fund by GoI
    All Figures in Rs. (Monthly Contribution)
    1st Year 30,000 21,000 9,000 9,000
    2nd Year 33,000 23,100 9,900 9,900
    3rd Year 36,500 25,550 10,950 10,950
    4th Year 40,000 28,000 12,000 12,000
    All Figures in Rs. (Monthly Contribution)
    Total Contribution in Agniveers Corpus Fund after four years Rs. 5.02 lakh Rs. 5.02 lakh
    Exit after 4 year Rs. 10.04 Lakhs as Seva Nidhi Package (absolute amount excluding interest)

    Note 1: Agniveervayu will not be required to contribute to any Provident Fund of the Government.
    Note 2: There shall be no entitlement to any gratuity and any kind of pensionary benefits in the case of Agniveervayu.

  2. Leave. Grant of leave will be subject to exigencies of the organization. The following leave may be applicable for Agniveervayu during their engagement period:-

    1. Annual Leave. 30 days per year.
    2. Sick Leave. Based on medical advice by competent Medical Authority.

  3. Medical and CSD Facilities. For the duration of their engagement period in IAF, Agniveervayu will be entitled for medical facility at Service Hospitals as well as CSD provisions.

  4. Life insurance cover. Agniveervayu will be provided non-contributory life insurance cover of ₹ 48 lakhs for the duration of their engagement period as Agniveervayu in IAF and they will not be eligible for Air Force Group Insurance Fund (AFGIS) schemes/ benefits.

  5. Compensation for Death. Agniveervayu will not be governed by provisions contained in the Pension Regulations/ Rules for IAF(as amended from time to time). In case of death, the following will be admissible to Next of Kin (NOK) from the Agniveer Corpus Fund:-

    1. Insurance cover as applicable (as per para above).
    2. All other compensation as per details placed at para below.

  6. Categorisation of Death. The death for the purpose of provision of financial benefits to Agniveervayu will be categorised as follows:-

    1. Category X. Death due to natural causes neither attributable to nor aggravated by military service during the engagement period.
    2. Category Y. Death due to causes which are accepted as attributable to or aggravated by military service or due to accidents/ mishaps in the performance of duties including training during the engagement period.
    3. Category Z. During the engagement period, death due to acts of violence/attack by terrorists, anti-social elements, enemy, during border skirmishes/war/ peacekeeping operations/ aid to civil power, etc; and during operational preparation and training for war including battle inoculation training/ exercise; and accidental deaths due to natural calamities/ operations specially notified by the Govt, etc.

  7. Compensation for Disability. In case an individual is placed in Permanent Low Medical Category (LMC), the authorities will assess the compensation based on percentage of disability and attributability. The extent of disability or functional incapacity shall be determined in the following manner for the purpose of computing the disability compensation:-

    Sl.No. Percentage of disability as finally accepted Percentage to be reckoned for computing disability compensation
    (a) Between 20% and 49% 50%
    (b) Between 50% and 75% 75%
    (c) Between 76% and 100% 100%

  8. Payment on Disability/ Death.

    Year Customised Package (Monthly) In Hand (70%)
    (a) Death during engagement period on Bonafide duty (Category ‘Y/Z’)
    1. Insurance cover of ₹ 48 lakhs from Public Fund.
    2. One-time ex-gratia ₹ 44 lakhs from Public Fund.
    3. Full pay for unserved period upto four years (with effect from date of death) including Seva Nidhi component.
    4. Balance accumulated (as on date) in the individual’s Seva Nidhi fund and Govt contribution including interest from the Agniveervayu Corpus Fund
    (b) Death during engagement period not on duty (Category ‘X’)
    1. Insurance Cover of ₹ 48 lakhs from Public Fund.
    2. Balance accumulated (as on date) in the individual’s Seva Nidhi fund and Govt contribution including interest from the Agniveervayu Corpus Fund.
    (c) Disability (attributed/aggravated due to conditions of engagement)
    1. One-time ex-gratia ₹ 44/25/15 Lakhs based on % of disability (100/75/50) from Public Fund.
    2. Full pay for unserved period upto four years (with effect from date of disability) including Seva Nidhi component (from Public fund).
    3. Balance accumulated (as on date) in the individual’s Seva Nidhi fund including interest and Govt contribution from the Agniveervayu Corpus Fund.